A well-balanced diet is one of the most important ways to care for your teeth. As you must know, Vitamins and minerals should be a vital part of such a meal. A lack of sufficient minerals in your diet may spell doom for oral health.

For instance, it might leave you at the mercy of tooth cavity decay and even gum disease, e.g., periodontitis. What Mineral Restores Teeth and Gums? Continue reading to learn more about how minerals may help restore your teeth and gums.
Vitamins And Minerals That Helps With Receding Gum
- Potassium
Not only does potassium help improve overall immunity, but it also assists in boosting tooth density like the enamel. Other benefits of potassium include preventing stroke, reducing blood pressure, and preventing osteoporosis and kidney stones. Familiar natural sources of potassium include; legumes, potatoes, broccoli, dark leafy greens, bananas, and cucumbers.
Potassium supplements are also an excellent alternative. But for best results, take the supplement half an hour after your bedtime snack or after a meal. Generally, this will shield you from stomach upset. Advisably, you should avoid excessive consumption of potassium supplements. It’s wise to take the supplement under your doctor’s supervision.
Important note: One of the most effective dental supplements that work is Prodentim. if you want real results, you might need to try it. You can read the latest consumer reports on Prodentim by Visiting here
- Calcium
Calcium is an essential mineral that’s beneficial for the teeth and bones. According to the NIH, calcium is one of the human body’s top minerals for strengthening teeth and bones. Moreover, it also assists in restoring gums into good shape. Dairy products are one of the sources rich in easily absorbable calcium.
If you don’t consume dairy products regularly, consider adding calcium-rich veggies to your diet. They include; mustard greens, collards, broccoli, kale, Chinese cabbage, and others.
More importantly, you should ensure you’re retaining as much calcium as possible in these veggies by cooking them in small amounts of water. Also, cook them for a short time. One tip would be steaming instead of boiling. Like potassium, calcium is available as a supplement which is also a great alternative.
- Magnesium
Magnesium is known to boost calcium absorption into the body. Additionally, it also assists in activating most of the B vitamins. Magnesium also helps strengthen the teeth’s enamel, making your teeth stronger and preventing the formation of cavities. Most common natural sources of magnesium include; whole grains, dark leafy greens, nuts, seeds, and beans.
Remember to measure your dosage correctly as you take supplements of these minerals in the said ratio. Note that taking high amounts of magnesium at one go can cause problems with your digestive system.
For instance, you may experience digestive side effects like; diarrhea. So, it’s wise you spread your intake throughout the day. Read The Surprising benefits of probiotics.
- Phosphorus
Like magnesium, phosphorus helps boost calcium absorption—which is essential for strengthening and restoring teeth, gums, and bones.
Another benefit of having phosphorus in your diet is repairing tissues and cells by promoting protein formation. Like most minerals, phosphorus is abundant and can be found in meat, dairy products, beans, fish, lentils, nuts, and whole grains. The Good thing with this mineral is that it’s easily absorbable.
Eligible people who can take phosphorus supplements are those who can’t get enough from their meals. Taking this nutrient supplement in large amounts may be fatal to your health. Also, little amounts can bring down your immunity overall. It’s best to take phosphorus supplements under your doctor’s directives.
Other Tips to Restore your Teeth and Gums
Remember that the minerals mentioned earlier can significantly help you restore your gums and teeth to good condition. However, adding the following tips to your dental routine on top of the minerals mentioned above will yield significant results. The tips are as follows;
- Brushing your Teeth with High Fluoride Toothpaste
A significant way of keeping enamel erosion at bay is brushing your teeth with high-fluoride toothpaste. To get the best out of brushing, you should brush your teeth at least twice daily. And remember to brush at least for 2 minutes on each occasion.
Plus, don’t forget to floss at least once per day. Also, brush gently but thoroughly to remove plaque (a film that forms on the teeth) and harmful bacteria. Also, read Natural Remedies To Improve Receding Gums Naturally.
- Rinsing your Mouth or Brushing Your Teeth Thoroughly with Water After Taking Sugary Foods or Drinks
If you’ll be brushing your teeth after drinking a sugary drink or food, then it’s best to do so after 1 to 1 ½ hour. Sugary foods or drinks are converted to lactic acid when you consume such foods. This acid weakens the enamel, so brushing immediately after sugary beverages or foods may damage the teeth through the enamel.
So long as you’re sticking to brushing your teeth twice and flossing once per day, rinsing with water should suffice. That way, you’ll wash away sugar which the harmful bacteria may convert to lactic acid. So in a way, you’ll be preventing any potential damage to your teeth.
- See your Dentist at Least Twice Per Year
No matter how great you might view your dental health, there’s a possibility of developing plaque or harmful bacteria build-up. Even worse, the bad bacteria in your oral cavity may form a lactic acid that might destroy your teeth’ enamel without your knowledge. That’s why it’s best to visit your dentist or periodontist at least twice yearly for a check-up. Also, read our article on what vitamins are good for your teeth and gum
Then your doctor can inform you of impending oral danger. In case of any oral issue, it’s best to handle it immediately before it becomes worse. You can also ask your dentist or periodontist about the best ways to maintain oral health through these check-ups.
Final Takeaway
Generally, the minerals described in this article are among the top-tier options that’ll restore your dental cavity to normal. Additionally, the tips outlined here, in conjunction with the minerals mentioned above, should suffice in strengthening your oral immunity.
Aside from taking minerals, you should add some vitamins to your meal. This is because minerals primarily strengthen the teeth and play a minor role in restoring the gums.
So to ensure your gums are also strengthened as your teeth, you should add more vitamins D, C, A, and K to your meal. Common sources of these vitamins include; oranges, citrus, grapefruit, citrus fruit, mustard greens, broccoli, swiss chard, kale, beefier and lamb liver, fish, poultry, and others.
You can be sure that proportionate amounts of these vitamins and minerals in your diet will yield significant results in restoring your teeth and gums, but you have to be patient.