Receding Gums Stages: 3 Important Steps You Must Know

This might wonder you, but according to a recent study, periodontal disease affects about 50 percent of adult Americans over 30.

Receding Gums Stages

Your gums can start wearing and getting pushed, exposing your teeth pick tissue which overs root of teeth. In this case, receding gums seems to become a health concern once the roots of your teeth get exposed, risking tooth infection, decay, or even loss.

What is Gum recession?

This is a gum infection that affects both the jawbone and gums, leading to severe symptoms such as tooth loss. Generally, these problems result from poor flossing and brushing habits or after plaque build and harden up.

However, when this issue is diagnosed and treated earlier, it can be reversed and prevented. Meaning, visiting the dentist often for check-ups and cleaning should be your number one oral care when it comes to dental care.

What Causes of Gum Recession?

Periodontal disease and poor oral hygiene contribute so much to gum recession. Besides, the tissue inflammation and physical wear of our gums are significant reasons for gum recession. This specific type of physical recession can affect the left side of the patient’s mouth even more.

And this is because many individuals tend to utilize toothbrushes the wrong way by pressuring the gums, thus affecting the front areas of side gums. [Also Read: How Much Does Gum Crafting Cost?]

Smoking, hormonal changes, diabetes, illness such as Aids, some medications also are significant risks to gum recession disease. The other factor which pushes the gum back comprises tongue or lip piercings, dental treatment damage, and misaligned teeth.

The stages of gum recession

  • Stage 1: Gingivitis

According to dental experts, this is the early stage of gum recession disease, and it’s reversible. However, the plaque on the patient teeth begins building up in this stage, leading to slight swelling and irritation.

Thus, gums might often start bleeding and in worse conditions; even you may notice milky discharge white in colors known as exudate. Unfortunately, this stage is painless, and many patients may not notice it. But, overall, the removal of teeth plaque buildup can prevent further gum disease development.

  • Stage 2: Early periodontitis

This stage is manageable. In this stage, the infection spreads to your tooth bone to damage it. Besides, these bacteria that evolve here tend to become aggressive, and it can cause bone loss. As the patient’s gum becomes inflamed, they will begin pulling away right from your teeth and form spaces called periodontal pockets.

Further, the plaque, food, and bacteria start collecting pockets causing severe infection. Additionally, the bone surrounding will eventually be damaged by the immune system and bacterial toxins response to infection. Overall, you should consult your dentist as soon as possible to avoid tooth loss.

  • Stage 3: Moderate periodontitis

This is where periodontal disease takes firm hold. Meaning the patient’s gums will start receding visibly, exposing the tender tooth enamel that can get damaged easily and begin decaying.

Besides, the hidden damage of the patient’s jawbones starts becoming noticeable alongside loosening the teeth moving from their specific place and becoming wobbly.

In this case, root planing and scaling are top forms of deep cleaning which can remove the bacteria deposits rooted in patient gums. In addition, you may also notice a robust unimpressive taste in your mouth in this stage, don’t ignore it. To find out more on what is the main cause of gum disease read this article.

  • Stage four: Advanced periodontitis

This is a significant cause of losing teeth in adults marked by very painful abscesses. It is the final stage meaning the patient is 50 and 90 percent at risk of bone and teeth loss.

Further, in this stage, you will experience swollen and red gums which ooze pus, painful chewing, cold sensitivity, severe halitosis, etc.

Essentially, this stage will require periodontal laser or periodontal surgery therapy to clean deep bacteria which have already formed. Unfortunately, when this stage is left untreated can lead to gaps or spacing between patient teeth, a patient requiring dentures, gum recession, and other related severe dental issues.

Final verdict

Treating gum recession disease in early stages is essential and easily manageable. Therefore, it is vital if you visit your dentist often and as soon you notice any symptoms of gum trouble. Remember, the more extended gum recession is left untreated, it might require advanced dental surgery to eventually clear all its traces, or even the damage might go very far to be fixed.


  • Kathie Miller

    Kathie Miller has extensive experience editing consumer health information. Her training in particular has focused on how to best share evidence-based medical guidelines and clinical trial results to the public eye. She strives to make health content accurate, accessible, and engaging to our readers.

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