How To Improve Receding Gums Naturally

Receding gums is a severe dental condition among many adults. For instance, more than half of the adult population in the US suffers from this condition. Gum and teeth issues are more prevalent among adults. Nonetheless, teens are also not immune. Thanks to the intensive research done over time, receding gums have a natural treatment process. 

fix receding gums

Gums issues start when the gums tissue surrounding the teeth wears away. At this point, your teeth become visible and pull back. At this point, you get gum pockets between teeth where bacteria get to multiply and build teeth. Teeth exposure leads to pain and sensitivity. It is also easy to get the supporting bone structure damaged. 

Due to ignorance, most people suffering from this condition treat it when it becomes a medical emergency. Nonetheless, visits the dentist when you experience the following;

  • Toothache
  • Tooth Sensitivity
  • Larger teeth than normal

What Are Receding Gums?

Receding gums occurs when the gum around the teeth pulls back and creates a margin between the gum and the teeth. This exposes both the teeth and the gum. The condition is also called gingival recession, which exposes the tooth’s root to bacteria. The gap left is a good platform for bacteria to thrive. One of the very first signs of recession is tooth sensitivity. 

Can You Naturally Fix Receding Gums?

Treatment of gum and damaged teeth is possible through natural means or medical treatment. In worse conditions, dentists may recommend surgery which takes time. When gum recession occurs, it is very dangerous and can lead to tooth loss and periodontal disease.

The best part is you can treat receding gums using home ingredients. Though the components may not help treat the condition ultimately, they will help stop the symptoms and prevent recessions from developing further. 

Natural Remedies For Receding Gums

  • Oil Pulling

Oil pulling has been a remedy for gingivitis and receding gums for many years. It has removed plaques and other food particles attached to the mouth.  

To make this work, use high-quality coconut oil and or sesame oil. Gurgle one spoonful of Guggul for at least twenty minutes, then spit it out. Once done, swish your mouth with warm water; salt water would be best, and later brush. 

  • Use Green Tea

Green tea has multiple health benefits. It is rich in medicinal properties, which makes it a popular ingredient for many natural medications and health supplements. The amount of antioxidants in green tea helps fight free radicals. 

Free Radicals are the leading cause of periodontal disease, which makes green tea the ultimate cure. The chemicals in green tea are called catechins. Catechin is a powerful antioxidant that destroys any presence of periodontal disease. Catechin can make a stronger connection between teeth and gums.

 It also contains anti-inflammatory properties that curb inflammation of the gum. You need to take one cup daily, and you will see a significant impact. In addition, you can use an Oral Probiotics supplement to help with gum problems.

  • Use Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a famous beauty formula and a beneficial herb. The herb is used on open would due to its significant effects on skincare. Aloe Vera contains multiple anti-inflammatory properties.

If you are suffering from receding gums, Aloe Vera will help stop any gum inflammation. Anti-inflammatory properties also help heal and repair damaged gum tissue. It is rich in antibacterial properties that prevent other infections.

There are two main ways of using aloe Vera; rinsing your mouth with the gel or using it in place of toothpaste. While rinsing, apply the gel after you brush or floss your teeth. Use the treatment for about 3 to 5 minutes, and later, rinse your mouth. 

The other way is using the Aloe Vera gel as a mouthwash. Once you floss or finish brushing your teeth, mix the gel with water and swish. Do this every day, and you will see significant improvement over time.  you can also read this article for minerals to restore teeth and gum

  • Try Eucalyptus

Patients who have used eucalyptus can testify to the many health benefits it carries. Eucalyptus contains many essential oils, which contain more potent effects than most herbs. Dental experts have attributed its effects to the destruction of germs and bacteria. Read our article on vitamins that help support teeth and gum by clicking here.

Eucalyptus contains anti-inflammatory properties, which eliminate or at least reduce inflammation of the gums. Nonetheless, experts recommend you dilute it with essential oils before applying. It is a vital element whose extract is used in treating cancer and eliminating HPV. 

Here is how to use eucalyptus. You need two drops of eucalyptus mixed with two tablespoons of water. Next, dilute essential oils with water and soak your toothbrush in the same water for a few minutes. Soak your finger in the mixture and massage your gum slowly. 

  • Myrrh

Myrrh is the next important element used to treat gums and teeth effectively. Myrrh is an extract of the myrrh tree. It contains forms of resin, which prevents damage to the gums and stops gum recession. 

To use myrrh properly:

  1. Get an extract and crush it to form a powder.
  2. Add some water to form a paste.
  3. Use this paste on your affected teeth and ensure the treatment lasts for a few minutes, which you can then use to massage the gums. 

Surgical Treatment of Gums and Teeth

If you ignore symptoms of receding gums, the condition may grow and lead to gum regeneration, which then affects gum tissue. Severe gum tissue requires a dentist’s help. In cases where natural remedies do not suffice, visit dentists and discuss other options. 

The surgical method is the definitive treatment for worst scenarios. 

Flap surgery: This involves deep tissue cleaning. The surgeon will lift the gum and cleans out the gum receding while removing all bacteria underneath. Here is a simple guide on how to prevent receding gums without surgery

Tissue graft: tissue graft is an oral surgery that involves taking mouth tissue from another part of your mouth to replace the lost gum line. This procedure aims to remove the exposed roots that protect them from harm. 


Maintaining daily dental hygiene is an effective way of keeping gums clean. Use toothpaste with fluoride, which is free of sugar and flavoring agents. Twice a day, brush and floss to maintain clean teeth and gum. While you treat the gum recession at home, it would be wise to visit a dentist. Look for referrals for a professional who deals with specialized dental care and is curtained by dental bodies like the American Dental Association. 


  • Kathie Miller

    Kathie Miller has extensive experience editing consumer health information. Her training in particular has focused on how to best share evidence-based medical guidelines and clinical trial results to the public eye. She strives to make health content accurate, accessible, and engaging to our readers.

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