How To Get Rid Of Cavities At Home: 3 Home Remedies That May Help

A tooth cavity is a result of tooth decay which occurs on our teeth. This damage is typically caused by the activity of specific bacteria that live in the dental plaque.

how to get rid of tooth decay

How to get rid of cavities at home may require some help from a physician depending on your situation. Generally, these bacteria can convert sugars present in our food to acids, and when the plaque builds up for a long time, the acids start damaging our teeth.

Can cavities go away: 5 Stages You Must Know

Unfortunately, tooth cavities are among the common dental problems many Americans suffer from. But the good news is that dental cavities can go away with functional and safe treatments I am about to share. However, before dwelling on that, it’s essential if you understand the five stages to decay occur:

  • First stage: Initial demineralization

In this stage, the out layer of patient teeth gets composed with tissue known as enamel. Besides, this is the most rigid tissue in our body made with minerals.

In this case, your tooth might be exposed to harmful acids via the plaque bacteria, and enamel starts losing these valuable minerals. Further, you might now start seeing white spots on specific teeth, which is a sign of tooth cavities.


In this stage, fluoride treatment is recommended by the experts. It is frequently applied to a patient’s teeth in either varnish or gel form. Besides, fluoride operates by strengthening the enamel and making it resistant to harsh acids from plaque bacteria. Further, fluoride is commonly found in some toothpaste or even in tap water.

Related: How To Tell If You Have Cavities: Signs And Symptoms To Look For

  • Second stage: Enamel decay

This is the process where tooth decay continues breaking down the enamel. As the enamel becomes weak dental caries or cavities might start forming. Also read: The Stages Of Gum Recession


Fillings are utilized to treat your cavities in stage two. And when a filling is recommended for you, the dentist will utilize the approved tool to first clear decaying areas. Second, he will typically fill your home with materials like ceramic, dental amalgam, or resin, which are similar in color to our teeth.

  • Third stage: Dentin decay

This tissue lies beneath the enamel, and it is soft compared to enamel. This makes this tissue sensitive to typical damage to harmful acid causing tooth decay at a rapid rate. Besides, dentin includes tubes that lead to the tooth nerves.


Since dentin seems soft than our enamel, tooth decay spread rapidly once it reaches here. Therefore, dentin decay might get treated with filling or crown placement in advanced cases.

Related: How to Stop Receding Gum?

A crown covering will cover the top portion of the patient’s tooth on top of the gums. Thus, the decayed zone will be removed before the crown is done; further, a bit of tooth tissue might be removed, ensuring the crown fits perfectly on the teeth.

  • Fourth stage: Pulp damage

This is the innermost layer found in our teeth, and it has blood vessels and nerves which aid in keeping teeth healthy. Besides, nerves present in this pulp can still provide sensation to a patient’s tooth. Therefore, once the pulp is damaged, it’s may start swelling and become irritated, causing pain due to pressure placed on tooth nerves.


This is the stage where someone might need a root canal to remove the damaged pulp. Further, the dental cavity is cleaned and eventually filled in.

  • Fifth stage: Abscess

The tooth decay tends to advance into pulp, where bacteria can attack, causing infection. In essence, increase inflammation in the patient’s tooth may lead to the pocket of pus that forms in the bottom of the tooth, known as an abscess.

In this case, the tooth abscesses tend to cause severe pain, which further radiates to the jaw. Further, the tooth abscess will require prompt treatment to avoid the infection spreading to jawbones and other areas like the neck and head.


The dentist is also likely to perform a root canal if the patient has an abscess in his teeth. Further, the affected tooth might also require to be removed completely in some cases.

How to get rid of cavities without going to the dentist?

In most cases, you may need to seek your dentist’s advice to fully get rid of cavities. Many home treatments are basically based on a 1930s study that claims that dental cavities are caused due to a lack of vitamin D diet.

This study suggests that lack of enough vitamin D contributes to susceptible cavities. Therefore below are home remedies that can be effective in preventing or even getting rid of dental cavities.

  • Vitamin D

This vitamin is vital to help absorb phosphate and calcium from the food we ate. You can get this vitamin from products such as milk, yogurt among others.

  • Cut on sugary foods

Try to cut on snacks that have excess sugar all day through and make it routine.

  • Licorice root

This root is claimed to lessen. mutants and prevent tooth cavities as well.

  • Chew sugar-free gum

This chewing gum helps to remineralize the patient’s enamel. In addition, it is claimed to be rich in xylitol which raises the plaque and reduces S. mutans.

  • Oil pulling

This ancient practice includes swishing oil around in the mouth for like 20 minutes before spitting it out. Coconut and sesame oils are the top effective oils recommended by experts.

When should I see the dentist concerning my dental cavities?

If your tooth decay is still in the early stages, the chances are it won’t experience any signs or symptoms. And is the number one reason you should visit the density often because he can identify and address this issue as early as possible before it worsens. Other related signs of the dental cavity which warrant a visit to your dentist include:

  1. Sensitivity after eating sweets
  2. Sharp pains or toothache when eating
  3. Sensitivity to any hot or cold drinks, foods
  4. Pain when you bit or chew down

In these cases, consider scheduling check-ups, cleaning with the dentist to eventually catch up on any alarming tooth decay which may be developing.

Final verdict on how to get rid of cavities at home

Tooth decay can be the worst damage that affects our teeth from activities of bacteria in dental plaque. Besides, these bacteria tend to convert the sugars we ate from a different food to harsh acids that can eventually cause dental cavities.

Essentially, tooth decay treatment depends on the stage the patient is in to distinguish whether you need filling, fluoride treatment, root canal, or practicing the home remedy treatments. Overall, the above guide will help you prevent and cure tooth decay alongside avowing sweet foods, brushing your teeth regularly, and visiting the doctor often.


  • Kathie Miller

    Kathie Miller has extensive experience editing consumer health information. Her training in particular has focused on how to best share evidence-based medical guidelines and clinical trial results to the public eye. She strives to make health content accurate, accessible, and engaging to our readers.

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