Can probiotics Improve dental health And How Long Does It Take?

Can probiotics Improve dental health? Likely, you are already familiar with oral probiotics. Generally, they are beneficial strains of bacteria administered to patients suffering from gum disease, bleeding gums, and those who persistently suffer from poor breath. However, most people need clarification about the mode of taking probiotics and are unsure whether they are taken orally or through dietary supplements. 

probiotics for gum disease

Dental probiotics taken as dietary supplements are more valuable because they have shown more beneficial results. When detrimental bacteria disrupt the natural bacteria in our mouths, someone risks developing thrush and yeast infections. Additionally, an increased number of harmful bacteria results in bad breath, a condition commonly referred to as halitosis. 

To what extent, however, can the consumption of oral probiotics benefit the user? When it comes to the treatment of gum disease and tooth decay, you might need to find out whether there are probiotics that are more beneficial than others. This document explains whether probiotics can cure gum disease and whether they benefit the teeth.

Can Oral Probiotics Cure Gum Disease and Benefit Your Teeth?

The shortest answer to this question is yes. Oral probiotics can effectively cure gum disease and benefit the teeth in numerous ways. But before we jump right into how oral probiotics cure gum disease and highlight some of their benefits on the teeth, we need to understand what probiotics are and how they work. Also read: Can Probiotic Really help with Receding Gums?

So, what are probiotics? These different strains of bacteria improve oral health and contribute to keeping the mouth healthy. They keep the mouth safe by preventing the expansion of pathogenic bacteria, which are detrimental to the mouth. Probiotics are also responsible for fostering the expansion of good bacteria. 

The bacterial population in the mouth is collectively called an oral microbiome. In most respects, oral microbiomes are compared to those found in the digestive tract. They also function in the same fashion as their counterparts in the digestive system. They also use helpful bacteria commonly referred to as commensals. Essentially, the main function of oral probiotics is to boost and improve the health of the mouth microbiome.

Oral probiotics are available in the form of chewable tablets and probiotic beverages. Taking them in the mentioned form is the best way for someone to feel their effects adequately. It is the best way to ensure that the good bacteria are directly delivered to the mouth, where they can effectively complete their work. Oral probiotics in the form of swallowable tablets are less effective than the above forms.

So, how do probiotic supplements cure gum disease and maintain healthy teeth? Probiotics cure gum disease by regulating oral bacteria colonies and enhancing teeth’ resistance to plaque. They are essential parts of a healthy diet as a result. They have also been shown to aid users in managing bleeding gums, decreasing plaque buildup, and fighting halitosis. 

Researchers have also discovered that these products have no negative effects on the user.

Gingivitis and periodontitis are the two types of periodontal disease. Gingivitis is the early stage of gum disease, which is often an inflammation of the gingiva. Periodontitis is the advanced stage of the disease and usually affects the teeth tissues, particularly the alveolar bone. A given study claimed that probiotics cure gum disease by eliminating its sources. 

Typically, gum disease is caused by a given anaerobic bacteria breed. The breed encourages the growth of plaque and tartar that eventually form toxic materials. Probiotics are taken to prevent the production of these toxins, preventing and curing gum disease in the process.

How Do Oral Probiotics Work?

Several kinds of toothpaste contain probiotics. However, most of them don’t work. Therefore, if you are searching for ways to get probiotics into your mouth, you should search for toothpaste that contains these products. Alternatively, you can utilize probiotics provided in pills to introduce bacterial stains into the mouth. 

Once the strains are introduced into the mouth, they colonize its surface, producing biofilms. The primary way that oral probiotics improve human health is by boosting the mouth’s immunity system. The normal bacterial population found in the mouth is disrupted by a condition known as dysbiosis. They also produce excellent outcomes when given to persons with dysbiosis. 

Various studies have not only provided solutions to gum disease, but they have also proven to be very beneficial to teeth. They do not affect the consumers when taken; therefore, users should be confident in using the product.

How Do Oral Probiotics Benefit Both Teeth and Gums?

Probiotics are found naturally in fermented foods and beverages. Some foods containing probiotics include kimchi, yogurt, kombucha, and tempeh, to mention a few. However, if you cannot stand fermented foods, you can supplement with a daily probiotic that will offer you the following oral benefits.

  • Improved gum health

As we previously mentioned, probiotics are responsible for maintaining a healthy balance of bacteria inside the mouth and gut. They achieve this by introducing good bacteria into the mouth, balancing your oral microbiome. The colonies should be robust enough to fight oral problems, including bleeding gums and gum disease.

  • Improved Sleep

If you’ve been tossing and turning in your bed daily, a probiotic might improve sleep. Gum disease is generally painful, especially in its latest stages. Researchers discovered that taking probiotics can improve the quality of sleep by alleviating the causes of gum disease. Once the causes are reduced, the user ceases to experience much pain, and they sleep soundly in the process.

  • Plaque and tartar prevention

Since the mouth is filled with numerous beneficial bacteria while some are not, it is crucial to ensure that both populations have been controlled. When the harmful bacterial colonies are more, they come together to form a hard substance called plaque on the surface of the teeth. However, probiotics prevent plaque and tartar formation by increasing the population of good bacteria and reducing that of harmful bacteria.

Bottom Line

Probiotics effectively treat and cure gum disease, as indicated in this article. However, different probiotics are taken to address specific conditions, targeting specific parts of the digestive tract. Someone must take those that directly address gum disease, plaque formation, and other dental problems.


  • Kathie Miller

    Kathie Miller has extensive experience editing consumer health information. Her training in particular has focused on how to best share evidence-based medical guidelines and clinical trial results to the public eye. She strives to make health content accurate, accessible, and engaging to our readers.

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