Can Probiotics Help with Receding Gums And How Long Does It Take to Work?

Can Probiotics Help with Receding Gums? Gum condition is a significant factor that highly contributes to the state and health of your teeth and mouth. Observing your gums line lets you quickly tell if you have healthy gums. Healthy gums are pink in color, while a consistent gum line also indicates that the gums can easily protect someone’s teeth.

doctor prescribe protic for gum recession

However, if your gums are red, you might need to visit your dentist for treatment, as it probably means that you might suffer from periodontal disease. Clinical researchers claim that gum inflammation is almost always present in gum recession. Your gums might also recede any time the gum lines around specific teeth are lower than those found around the rest of the teeth.

Once you notice that your teeth look a little longer than usual, you might be suffering from receding gums. The same applies when the gums seem to pull away from the teeth. Several factors might cause receding gums. However, periodontal disease is the most prominent factor, often called gum disease. Although you cannot treat or eliminate receding gums, you can effectively manage them.

Fortunately, gum recession can be prevented using probiotics. Unfortunately, if the condition is severe, you might not be able to treat it using probiotics, and you might be required to seek professional help urgently. We have highlighted some of the ways probiotics can help with receding gums in this article.

Are probiotics good for receding gums?

Yes, probiotics can help with receding gums. If your gums are pulling away from your teeth, you can rectify the condition using probiotics so long as you have identified the condition earlier enough. Studies have revealed that receding gums is a widely experienced problem in the United States. Approximately half of the population of people over 30 years, to some degree, are suffering from the gum recession.

In some instances, gum recession begins as early as people are in their teenage years. Fortunately, gum recession can be prevented using probiotics when the condition is still in its early stages. However, you must see a dentist for surgery or alternative treatment if the condition is severe.

Causes of Gum Recession

There are several major causes of gum recession, but the most prominent causes are periodontal disease and poor oral hygiene. Unfortunately, even individuals who practice excellent dental hygiene might experience gum recession at some point in their life. Below are some of the key causes of gum recession, according to trusted sources:

  • Tooth grinding

Constantly grinding your teeth during the day and sleeping can cause gum recession. This is mainly because you are constantly stressing your gums; unfortunately, this might result in gum inflammation. If treatment is not sought on time, this will proceed into periodontal disease, resulting in mobile teeth. Eventually, you might experience tooth loss and potentially the loss of bone.

  • Insufficient dental care

Inadequately brushing, flossing, or rinsing your mouth with probiotic mouthwash might eventually result in plaque formation. When plaque is not handled and eliminated on time, it turns into calculus, a hard substance that builds on and between the teeth. Probiotics can help eliminate plaque on time, but if it is too late to clear the product out, you might need to visit your dentist to remove it before it results in recession.

  • Improper brushing

Gum recession can be brought about by injuries caused by the toothbrush, food, or piercing of the gums. Bacteria can get beneath the gum line when the root surfaces are exposed. As a result, the patient is hurt.

It is, therefore, important for people to avoid toothbrushes that contain hard brittles. It is also wise to avoid food materials that rub against their gums too frequently or forcefully brush their delicate gum tissue. Plaque can be removed from teeth with a toothbrush by applying light and moderate pressure.

  • The patient’s genes

Researchers have also realized that certain people suffer from gum recession more frequently than others. Despite how much certain people follow dental care routines, they suffer from gum recession. Studies also suggest that approximately 30% of the general population may be prone to gum disease due to their genetic makeup.

  • Vitamin C Deficiency 

Vitamin C is one of the most vital products that are responsible for the production of collagen. It is also associated with the growth and repair of human cells and maintaining a healthy immune system. It is essential for everyone because it is also associated with reducing blood sugar. In several studies, a lack of vitamin C has also been linked to an increased risk of periodontal disease.

Additionally, the same studies have shown that people who smoke and secondhand smokers also experience reduced levels of vitamin C in their bodies.

  • Diabetes

People with diabetes are more likely to develop gum disease due to the condition’s ability to impede the flow of nutrients and weaken the gums and bones that support the teeth. Additionally, poorly controlled diabetes can cause excessive blood sugar levels in the saliva, which can promote the growth of bacteria responsible for causing gum recession.

How To Prevent Receding Gums

Prevention is always better than cure. One of the greatest and recommendable methods of eliminating receding gums is visiting a dentist for regular checkups and cleaning. However, consider oral probiotics if gum recession is still in its early stages. However, oral probiotics do not directly cure receding gums; instead, they directly address the causes of receding gums.

For instance, they can encourage the growth of microbiomes, and in the process, they help reduce the population of harmful bacteria that cause tooth decay and periodontitis. Once these conditions are eliminated, it is difficult for someone to experience receding gums, not unless they get them from eating hard food and brushing their gums violently.

Wrap Up

While good oral hygiene favors the formation of healthy teeth and gums, it doesn’t have much effect on teeth health. Brushing your teeth and flossing almost twice a day might not be successful in preventing gum recession. In this case, the best thing to do is introduce probiotic supplements and ensure that your teeth and gums are regularly cleaned and examined by a professional dentist.


  • Kathie Miller

    Kathie Miller has extensive experience editing consumer health information. Her training in particular has focused on how to best share evidence-based medical guidelines and clinical trial results to the public eye. She strives to make health content accurate, accessible, and engaging to our readers.

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